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Other Resources About Tithing in the Modern Day
The following websites were teaching a similar message the last time I visited them. We don't necessarily agree about everything each one of us teaches, but for sure we agree that tithing is NOT for Christians. If you become aware of another resource (book, website, pamphlet, etc) that could be added, please send email to I will be glad to review them.
First, here are some other books you might also find interesting. If you click on the link, you will be taken to or to another website.
Did the Apostle Paul Teach Tithing to the Church? by Jonathan Kithcart
Take the Tithing Test by Dr. Sapp
The Tithing Hoax by R. Renee and Cynthia Harper
Clever Lies and Assumptions by FL Anderson
What Preachers Never Told You About Tithes and Offerings by Eric M Hill
Beyond Tithes & Offerings by Michael L. Webb
Tithing and Still Broke by Niral Russell Burnett
Lie of the Tithe by R. L. Johnston
Should the Church Teach Tithing: A Theologian's Conclusions About a Taboo Doctrine by Russell Earl Kelly.
Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct Paperback by Matthew E. Narramore. Also freely available for reading online via the following link: Tekoa Publishing
The Tithe That Binds by Rory Moore - Also freely available for reading online via the following link: America's Last Days
Other websites that teach a similar message:
Should the Church Teach Tithing? by Russell Earl Kelly Ph.D.
What Preacher Never Told You About Tithes and Offering: The End of Clergy Manipulation and Extortion - Eric Hill
Links to Information on more Prosperity Gospel Danger Signs
Following are some links to other sites that have a lot more to explain about the 'prosperity gospel'.
Here are some other excellent links that will make you think about the model of a 'church' that you have built or attend:
- David Yeubanks
Heal Our Land Ministries If you start a church or ministry as a 501(c)(3) then who is in charge? Is it the Lord Jesus Christ or is it your state. Learn the major pitfalls of being an official charity!!
- The best Jesus-infused sites you never heard about.